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/ Compute! Gazette 1985 February / 1985-02.d64 / baker's dozen 2 (.txt) < prev    next >
Commodore BASIC  |  2022-09-20  |  966b  |  45 lines

  1. 10 printchr$(147)chr$(5):poke53280,0:poke53281,0
  2. 20 forx=1to9:print:next:printtab(12)"turn up volume."
  3. 30 print:printtab(9)"hit any key to begin."
  4. 35 print:printtab(9)"hit run/stop to stop."
  5. 40 geta$:ifa$=""then40
  6. 50 printchr$(147)
  7. 60 forr=54272to54295:poker,0:next
  8. 70 poke54296,15:fort=1to500:next
  9. 80 poke54277,4:poke54275,8
  10. 90 x=1524:j=54273:k=54272:l=54276:c=54272
  11. 100 ch=int(17*rnd(1))+1
  12. 110 onchgoto111,112,113,114,115,116,117,118,119,120,121,122,123,124,125,126,127
  13. 111 ch=81:goto200
  14. 112 ch=86:goto200
  15. 113 ch=91:goto200
  16. 114 ch=92:goto200
  17. 115 ch=102:goto200
  18. 116 ch=108:goto200
  19. 117 ch=123:goto200
  20. 118 ch=127:goto200
  21. 119 ch=160:goto200
  22. 120 ch=171:goto200
  23. 121 ch=204:goto200
  24. 122 ch=205:goto200
  25. 123 ch=209:goto200
  26. 124 ch=214:goto200
  27. 125 ch=233:goto200
  28. 126 ch=236:goto200
  29. 127 ch=238:goto200
  30. 200 lo=int(255*rnd(1))+1:hi=int(255*rnd(1))+1
  31. 210 co=int(15*rnd(1))+0
  32. 220 y=int(4*rnd(1))+1
  33. 230 onygoto231,232,233,234
  34. 231 x=x+1:goto300
  35. 232 x=x-1:goto300
  36. 233 x=x+40:goto300
  37. 234 x=x-40:goto300
  38. 300 ifx<1064thenfort=1to1000:next:goto360
  39. 310 ifx>1983thenfort=1to1000:next:goto360
  40. 320 pokej,hi:pokek,lo
  41. 330 pokex,ch:pokex+c,co
  42. 340 pokel,65:fort=1to10:next:pokel,64
  43. 350 goto200
  44. 360 printchr$(147):x=1524:goto100